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The climbing upwards by a ladder carrieth the grave physique contrary to its natural inclination upwards, from whence followeth weariness, by purpose of the our bodies pure aversness to that movement: but in shifting a moveable with a motion, to which it hath no aversion, what lassitude,The strength diminisheth not, the place it isn’t imployed. He proposeth it as a thing very unlikely, that a physique dissipable and corruptible, because the Earth, should perpetually move with an everyday motion, particularly for that we see living creatures ultimately to grow weary, and to face in need of rest: and the improbability is increased, in that the said movement is required to be of velocity incomparable and immense, in respect to that of animals. You see then that in nature we meet on all sides with notions contrary to the Copernican Hypothesis, and none in favour of it. Kepler An argument from Kepler in favour of Copernicus.due to this fact instanceth, saying: Difficilius est, accidens præter modulum subjecti intendere, quàm subjectum sine accidente augere. Kepler deceived himself, in saying, that within the Ptolomaick Hypothesis the motion encreaseth past the model of the subject, for in his judgment it doth not encrease, save onely in conformity to the mannequin, and that according to its encreasement, the velocity of the motion is augmented.The velocity of the circular motion increaseth, in accordance with the encrease of the diameter of the circle.

a close up shot of a man smiling with his hands on his head But Copernicus depriveth them onely of this common rest, and changeth the identical into a standard motion, leaving them gravity, levity, the motions upwards, downwards, slower,The concurrence of the elements in a typical movement importeth no more or lesse, than their concurrence in a standard rest. Sagr.Excuse me, Salviatus, this that I say will not be so completely moreover the business, as you maybe make it; for a motion that serveth instead of rest, and removeth weariness from a body drained with travail, may rather more easily serve to stop the coming of that weariness,Animals would not grow weary of their motion, proceeding as that which is assigned to the terrestrial Globe. Stars so wish to each other, would be neverthelesse so not like in motion, as that six Planets would perpetually turn round; but the Sun and all of the fixeed Stars would stand perpetually immoveable. Simpl.However the Authour is not going to grant, that the six Planets are tenebrose, and by that detrimental will he abide. The six Planets do absolutely want light, as the Earth; subsequently their essence agreeth with the Earth, and differeth from the Sun and fixed Stars. Here it stays for us to see the proofs, whereby the Authour concludes the brand new stars Anno 1572. and Anno 1604. to be sublunary, and never cœlestial, as the Astronomers of those occasions have been typically perswaded; an enterprize very great actually; but I have thought of, that it is going to be better, in regard the Book is new and long, by reason of its many calculations, that between this evening and to morrow morning I make them as plain as I can, and so meeting you again to morrow to proceed our wonted conferences, offer you a short of what I shall observe therein; and if we have now time left, we will say something of the Annual movement ascribed to the Earth.

Natural purpose dictates, that motion ought to be assigned to the our bodies, which in kind and essence most agree with those our bodies which do undoubtedly transfer, and relaxation to these which most dissent from them; and in regard that an eternal relaxation and perpetual motion are most different, it’s manifest, that the character of the body always moveable ought to be most completely different from the body alwayes stable. Aristotle, Tycho, and others; amongst our bodies, I say, of such nobility, by the confession of each one, and Copernicus himself, who affirmeth them to be ordinate, and disposed in an ideal constitution, and removeth from all of them inconstancy of vertue amongst, these bodies, I say as soon as more, so pure, that’s to say, amongst Venus, Mars, &c. Again if this Author will infer the disparity of essence between the Earth and Celestial our bodies from the incorruptibility of them, and the corruptibility of it in the tactic of Aristotle, from which disparity he concludeth movement to belong to the Sun and fastened Stars, and the immobility of the Earth,The Paralogisme of the Author of Anti-Tycho. So that if we would but attentively consider it, the Authors reply opposeth not the intent and sense of the argument, however the expressing and manner of delivering of it; the place once more the Author is injurious, and can’t deny however that he artificially dissembled his understanding of the phrases, that he may cost Kepler with grosse ignorance; but the imposture was so very dull and obvions, that he couldn’t with all his craft alter the opinion which Kepler hath begot of his Doctrine within the minds of all of the Learned.

Now, I can’t see why the velocity of the Earth ought to, at present, trouble it; so long as that of the starry Sphere so very much greater doth not occasion in it any disturbance more appreciable, than that which the velocity of a machine, that in 24 hours maketh but one sole revolution, produceth in the same. But see how Nature, in favour of our necessity and need, presents us with two eminent qualities, and no much less different than movement and relaxation, and they’re gentle and darkness, to wit, the being by nature most bright, and the being obscure, and wholly deprived of light: the bodies subsequently adorned with an internal and eternal splendour, are most completely different in essence from these deprived of mild: The Earth is deprived of gentle, the Sun is most splendid in it self, and so are the mounted Stars. Copernicus admireth the disposition of the components of the Universe, for that God hath constituted the grand Lamp, which is to offer light throughout his Temple within the centre of it, and not on one side. The snow, whereas light and fluffy, is not the sort that’s good for packing.